Please save and upload the banners above to your own website!
Thanks for considering linking to my site!
link to my neocities profile link to my wayback machine archive
Please note the views expressed on these off-site websites do not necessarily reflect my own beliefs or those my employer.

Neocities sites to surf!
Listed in no specific order:

Please check out my neocities profile for more sites, I am very lazy about updating the list on this page!!
I REALLY NEED TO GO THROUGH THIS LIST AAAA!! Castle Cyberskull The Unpikey Zone Cypherpunk Ioh Moonview Cubertown Hackerman Lucifer's Lounge The Code Lord Up All Night Grim Harlequin Like Home Stigma Birds and Stars Chai Tea The Frump Zone Cloud World Cherrie Faerie Florida Chill '95' Psshaw Mishtery super stylin The Galactic Bucket Vomit Boyz Plutonist PRE-DEAD. 11 Finch D. River’s Website Mishtery La Taccola Bisuko Lugaw Tiny Paws Synocure Mouthsweets Karius Silly Pony noa-s The Simple Site Bug Colony


<< Retronauts Webring >>

i choose you... whiscash!!

the malo mart theme from loz: tp

These Jelly Cherries have bonded with Kristina! Visit the Giant Jelly!
i love neopets!
my girl is Beauty Queen/Horses
caffeineNATION ☕︎ matcha lattes
element // ether
scented // rose + jasmine
aromatic // peony + orange blossom (archived clique)

Note: Some of these links lead to archived fanlistings or link to nothing because the original fanlisting wasn't archived by the Wayback Machine. If and when a new fanlisting replaces the old site, I will update the links.

I am re-working my resources page. I'll post the link when it is done :)

Fonts I Use:
Barbie Medium Font -- what it says on the tin.
Silkscren Font -- A classic of the 00's.
04b-03 Font -- The even smaller cousin to Silkscreen and another classic 00's font, especially at size 4... in all caps... outlined in black or white. It's the main font used on the fanlisting buttons.

Graphics, Backgrounds, Etc.
Gifcities -- searches the alt tags of images on archived Geocities pages that were scraped and uploaded to before Geocities went offline. Very useful and excellent for going down rabbit holes.
PixelPeach (Livejournal) -- requires an LJ account. Many images are now broken.
Free Blinkies -- archived, some pages/images may not work. -- Lots of Sailor Moon Graphics
King Lulu @ DA -- I used a lot of their graphics on the about me page. Lots of cool stuff here!
Heidi's Blinkies -- Pretty sure this site died in like the mid-2000s but it is still online. Lots of blinkies! -- Lots of different graphics across several pages (like these), may need to translate text (Spanish)
Peachie's Pixels -- a classic at this point. -- sprites, may need to translate text (Japanese)
80x15 Buttons Collection (archived)
80x15 Buttons (originals)
A massive amount of 80x15 buttons
Mewheart -- Pokemon pixels, etc.
Glitter Banner Creator

Glorious Trainwrecks
Sad? Upset? Click here.
Googlism -- I used to use ths site all the time in our high school computer lab.
someone uploaded all of the bugsnax sounds
Scottish Snow Gritters w/ Powerful Names
click here to SEE A GIANT SHRIMP!!
VERY IMPORTANT LINK, if you only click one link today MAKE IT THIS LINK!!
Hide the Pain Harold's Actual Website
King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard!!

Ja Da
the rat movie
how my brain often feels
the 300 pg edit (aka how this garbage should have been)
even more bunger
real version of pokemon ep. 1
for when you feel sad!
Elvis the Crocodile Attacks Lawn Mower
crazy hamburger
Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama